Wednesday 11 March 2009

Oh, and in case you were wondering...

Yes, this was me.


  1. Mmm. It's not just young adults', or women' distress, I don't think, it's all emotional distress that isn't taken seriously enough to warrant proper resourcing. False economy for sure.

  2. Yey! You got published in the Guardian!!

    But, more importantly, you got published for an amazingly well written article with integrity, honesty and strength. I know I've argued against your depictions of anorexia before because our experiences of the illness were surprisingly different; but I applaud this. We're all different, but we all need some understanding and some medical competence!

    And also, you just write amazingly well.

  3. wow. your writing is superb!

  4. Very interesting. In your article it seems like you say starvation can cause a person to become annorexic, also that annorexia is not primarily a disease of people who want to be "pretty". Models are expected to starve themselves into a particular size. Possibly at the beggining of things they do not starve themselves because they are annorexic (maybe they don't even really care what weight they are, they just want the job) but through starvation they become annorexic.
    Sorry if this is stating the obvious, but it's a new way of looking at this for me. I had heard before that annorexia was more about 'control' than actual body image.

  5. Oh, and something else.
    If anorexia is more about control than body image, then it's a bit like cutting. (which also has its roots in control) Because of the endorfins released to conteract pain, cutting can become addictive. So cutting yourself makes you want to cut yourself. Also it sounds like starving yourself makes you want to starve yourself. They're more like one another than I thought.

  6. Today the Guardian...

    ... tomorrow the Telegraph...

    ... and then the Daily Mail!

    Expelled from heaven she tumbles incandescently to earth, to pick up her pen; a bruised angel.

    I hate to say this but, "I told you so." Now stretch out your other leg and I'll pull that too!

  7. I know others have said it but amazing article, I love the way you write.

    Long time lurker, first time commenter.

  8. Congrats. Did it get subbed a bit between paras 7 and 8, though? There was a bit of stumble when you introduced Beat. But a good piece all the same. Do not give up.

    Chris Williams

  9. Well, that was a nice surprise when flicking through the ol' Grauniad. Great article.

  10. Great stuff! (That's great that you've got a really good article in The Guardian rather than that there's been an 80% increase in hospital admissions of teenagers with anorexia).

    Well done!

  11. Great article, nice to have an informed voice on such an over-discussd subject.

    Also I have the biggest feminist crush on you, potentially a real one since that photo in your sidebar :)

  12. @ Jared:
    I'd guess that there probably a combination of factors more often than one that has to occur.
    Control could be one, a form of addiction to the chemicals released during starvation could be another (which is probably what causes anorexia from starvation), socials pressure, and so on.
    Plus, they'd probably be different from person to person. Some might have all, but one is prominent, some might lack a few, etc.

    But I should probably go read the damn thing, ey?
    Awesome work L!

  13. I wasn't wondering because it's the same fucking SHITE you normally talk.

  14. Awesome writing, well done.

  15. It's boring to agree with everyone but yes, really good article. Taught me a lot of stuff I didn't know.

  16. @ The Dog: HA HA HA, OH WOW! It seems your razor sharp wits are somewhat dull today kiddo. Better work on that. I'd recommend reading a book or two, they work wonders for both written and verbal communication.

    Anyway, I've read it now. Pretty damn interesting. The example with the experiment were one of the subjects ended up chopping his fingers off really hit me.

  17. And next... the NUJ membership card!

  18. Well done, grim though the subject matter might be...

  19. A friend of mine suffered from it and I didn't realise at all until he mentioned it was a concern of his parents. Not great stuff, and as you say: it gets tangled up tightly with depression (because your body just lacks the fuel it needs to make happy chemicals).

  20. "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall." (Proverbs 16:18)

    Verily and amen, for the Lord shalt smite thee with the jawbone of an ass. Repent! Seek the Lord's forgiveness! Circle not the drain that leadeth down to the abode of putrid fecal heresy and piss. Just because you write doesn't mean that you aren't wrong!


  21. yay! excellent article laurie, well done in writing for the guardian!


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